
Mutant genetic gladiator : breeding combination formulas

Saber Mutants
MutantGenesMutant Combination
WarriorGene SaberGotten from the Shop
Nordic KnightmareGene SaberGene SaberBreed Warrior  + Warrior
Buck Maurice [Legendary]Gene SaberGene SaberOnly available from the Shop
Blade Banshee [Rare]Gene SaberGene NecroWarrior  + Zombie
Bushi [Rare]Gene SaberGene NecroSpecific Parent:Stealth Bot  + Zomborg
EnforcerGene SaberGene CyberWarrior  + Robot
Honey BunnyGene SaberGene ZoomorphBeast  + Warrior
Martian Marauder [Rare]Gene SaberGene GalacticAlien  + Warrior
ValkyrieGene SaberGene MythicWarrior  + Demon
Necro Mutants
MutantGenesMutant Combination
ZombieGene NecroGotten from shop
Dire DespotGene NecroGene SaberZombie  + Warrior
Leech LordGene NecroGene NecroZombie  + Zombie
Zomborg [Rare]Gene NecroGene CyberLeech Lord  + Android
Terrordoll [Rare]Gene NecroGene CyberSpecific Parents:Undead Dragon  + Reptoid
Undead Dragon [Rare]Gene NecroGene ZoomorphLeech Lord  + Beast
Cancernia [Zodiac]Gene NecroGene ZoomorphShop only
GhostmonautGene NecroGene GalacticZombie  + Alien
Baron LundiGene NecroGene MythicZombie  + Demon
LichlockGene NecroGene MythicPvP Season 6 Reward
Cyber Mutants
MutantGenesMutant Combinations
RobotGene CyberGotten from shop for 500 credits
Captain Wrenchfury [Rare]Gene CyberGene SaberSpecific Parents:Terrordoll  + Bushi
AndroidGene CyberGene CyberRobot  + Robot
GoliathGene CyberGene CyberInvite 10 new players and get them to level 5
Dead BotGene CyberGene NecroRobot  + Zombie
Darkseer [Rare]Gene CyberGene NecroSpecific Parents:Bushi Captain Wrenchfury
Stealth Bot [Rare]Gene CyberGene SaberRobot  + Warrior
Beetle BotGene CyberGene ZoomorphRobot  + Beast
Monocerus[Legendary]Gene CyberGene Zoomorph5 million credits
ColossusGene CyberGene GalacticRobot  + Alien
Libraro[Zodiac]Gene CyberGene GalacticShop only
Virgon [Zodiac]Gene CyberGene MythicShop only
Deus Machina [Rare]Gene CyberGene MythicRobot  + Demon
Zoomorph Mutants 
MutantGenesMutant Combinations
BeastGene ZoomorphShop(25,000 credits) + Defeat Boss Rakshasa
Kaiju KittyGene ZoomorphGene ZoomorphBeast  + Beast
Rakshasa [Rare]Gene ZoomorphGene SaberBeast  + Warrior
Leohart [Zodiac]Gene ZoomorphGene SaberShop only
CerberusGene ZoomorphGene NecroBeast Zombie
ZombatGene ZoomorphGene NecroPvP Season 4 Reward
Reptoid [Rare]Gene ZoomorphGene CyberBeast  + Robot
ArachnoGene ZoomorphGene CyberFinish Miami Beach Event Round 7
Parasite QueenGene ZoomorphGene GalacticBeast  + Alien
Cosmo Kong [Legendary]Gene ZoomorphGene GalacticShop only
Dracus Nobilis [Rare]Gene ZoomorphGene MythicBeast  + Demon
Galactic Combinations
MutantGenesMutant Combinations
AlienGene GalacticShop(100,000) Beat Campaign 5 Boss
Astro SurferGene GalacticGene GalacticAlien  + Alien
SuperNovusGene GalacticGene GalacticPvP Season 9
Bounty BugGene GalacticGene SaberWarrior  + Alien
BehemothGene GalacticGene SaberPvP Season 7 Reward
Tutti Gooey [Rare]Gene GalacticGene NecroAlien  + Zombie
SireniaGene GalacticGene NecroPvP Season 5 Reward
Planet Cleaner [Rare]Gene GalacticGene CyberAlien  + Robot
Sentry [Legendary]Gene GalacticGene CyberShop only
Xenos [Rare]Gene GalacticGene ZoomorphAlien  + Beast
Shell ShockGene GalacticGene ZoomorphPvP Season 8 reward
NebulonGene GalacticGene MythicAlien  + Demon
Mythical Mutants
MutantGenesMutant Combinations
DemonGene MythicShop(500,000) Defeat Campaign 8 Boss
Gandolphus [Rare]Gene MythicGene SaberDemon  + Warrior
Captain PeaceGene MythicGene SaberOnly can be bought with real money
Grim Reapress [Rare]Gene MythicGene NecroDemon  + Zombie
Techno TaoistGene MythicGene CyberDemon  + Robot
MedusaGene MythicGene ZoomorphDemon  + Beast
C’thlig [Rare]Gene MythicGene GalacticDemon  + Alien
Pit LordGene MythicGene MythicDemon  + Demon
You can breed mutants with better attack and health when you use stars. Stars can be gotten from campaign fights as prizes and also from PvP tournament prize. Of course, you can also buy them at the shop with real money.
Bronze Star
Bronze Mutant(+10% Attack and Health)
To breed a bronze mutant, you will need two level 10 mutants or higher and a bronze star to get a bronze version of whatever that comes out.
Silver Star
Silver Mutant(+30% Attack and Health)
To breed a silver mutant, you will need two bronze mutants that are level 15 or higher to get a silver version.
Gold Star
Gold Mutant(+75% Attack and Health)
To breed a gold mutant, it requires that you have two silver mutants that are level 20 or higher.

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